Day 49 - Friday, June 29th - Burlington to Revere Beach, MA
Distance: 17.4 miles Elevation Gain: 578 ft. or 31.8 ft./mile Net elevation change: -144 ft. Click Here for the Final Ride Along There will be no complaints about the weather because it was bright and sunny. There will be no more complaints about bad drivers because today I don't remember any. If you understand the weather and volume of traffic in this part of the country we got road conditions that were expected. In short, they ranged from very good to very bad. Today was a compendium that perfectly summarized just about all the road surfaces we have encountered on this trip. Well, maybe not quite, no rumble strips that I recall, but that's ok. The first 13 miles of the ride got us to a city pool in Malden where we paused to re-group and then went the final 4 miles riding two by two with a van in front and a van in back running interference. Once in Revere we actually got an assist from the local police who blocked...