LA to Boston on a Bike - Stay Tuned

On Thursday May 10th I'll begin a trip that I've been getting ready for since February of last year when a friend of mine convinced me that we should ride our bikes from LA to Boston. It sounded like a cool idea at the time. Now that it's almost time to actually do it, I'll admit to having some doubts about my sanity. 😨

We will start at Manhattan Beach in LA on Sunday May 13th and finish 3400 miles later at Revere Beach in the Boston area on Friday June 29th. 43 days of riding spread over 48 days.

For those of you who would like to follow along virtually, I plan on doing a daily post starting a day or two before we actually start riding. I emphasize the word plan simply since I'm new to blogging, and more likely, I may be to damn tired. We will see how it goes.

You can follow on Facebook, or go to https://mruane1953.blogspot.comand if you would like to get a notice in your email inbox about a new post, just hit the subscribe button at the top of the blog page.

Here is a pic of our coast to coast route.  Stay tuned!


  1. I wish you all the best and a safe and EPIC journey! I will follow this closely!

  2. HI Mike we wish you an exciting safe trip, from Tony and Harry (xc17 riders)
    so wish we were doing this journey again! Good Luck

    1. Thank you both very much. It is greatly appreciated!

      Hoping some day we can share a ride. Any good tours in the UK?

  3. Have a circus. I'll be following you did last year.

    See you on the pier.

    Best, Jim XC09, XC17


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