Day 40 - Wednesday, June 20th - Niles, OH to Erie, PA

Distance: 90.0 miles
Elevation Gain: 1634 ft. or 18.2 ft./mile
Net elevation change: -371 ft.

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North for sixty miles and then downhill to the northeast for the run into Erie and a rest day tomorrow. There is only one way to describe today and that is WET. We got rained on nearly the whole day in various intensities from light drizzle to downpour for one 24 mile stretch between the two SAG stops. The temperature actually dropped during the ride with the high in Erie reaching 71F.  It definitely could have been worse, but I wouldn't want to ride in it.

On our way out of Niles we skirted the western boundary of the Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport and at mile 10 the eastern border of Cortland, a city of just over 7000 located on the eastern border of the Mosquito Creek Reservoir. The area was once known as Baconsburg after Samuel Bacon who built a sawmill and several buildings in the area in the early 19th century.

We passed through Gustavus at mile 21 and the village of Wayne at mile 26. The village is home to nearly 900 people and is named in honor of the Revolutionary War General Mad Anthony Wayne.

We passed through Wick and West Williamsfield before getting to Andover where we have our first SAG stop at the McDonalds. Andover is a village of 1100 that was founded in the 1880's. At this juncture we are less than three miles west of the Pennsylvania border.

Instead of heading east we continued north and ran parallel to the border for the next 26 miles passing through a downpour to Pierpont at mile 47, Monroe Center at mile 53, Farnham at mile 58 and finally at mile 60, Conneaut where we turn ENE and head towards the Pennsylvania line just past mile 62. Conneaut is a city of nearly 13,000 on an old trail used by Native Americans. The name Conneaut comes from the Seneca language but I wasn’t able to find any explanation of the word. Settled in the late 1700's the town was originally named Salem. According to the city website it is the home of the largest WW II reenactment.

Before leaving Conneaut we stop at the White Turkey Drive-In and Root Beer Stand for our second SAG. An absolute throwback to the 1950's complete with old time juke boxes on the counter. Had a great burger before heading off.

At mile 62 we crossed into Pennsylvania, our 10th state line leaving only three more.

At mile 73 we reached Lake City, a borough of about 3000 people and ten miles later we reached the western outskirts of Erie. We are staying in a very nice Marriott Courtyard on Lake Erie with a real restaurant and bar. The weather should be nicer tomorrow, but right now I have no desire to do anything as I have been well fed courtesy of Chris and his friend Don who drove from Toronto to take us to dinner. Many, Many thanks again Don!!

Sneak Peek At Tomorrow

Last Rest Day Before Boston. Let the countdown begin.


  1. Shades of XC09 when it rained all day into Erie. Periodically, stuff wadded up newspaper into your cycling shoes to dry them out.

    Enjoy your rest day. This coming week will pass quickly.

    Stay safe,


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